The Autism Society of Kentuckiana (ASK) provides support for families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders. ASK provides resources and education for families and individuals through our monthly support meetings, workshops and social events. ASK is committed to providing quality childcare at our monthly meetings. Membership is crucial in our ability to continue this mission. ASK provides childcare at no additional cost for those attending monthly meetings.
ASK is run completely by volunteers and relies on membership dues, fundraisers and donations to fund its services. April is our month to collect membership dues and remind members about the financial obligations of our organization. Without the support of our members, ASK cannot provide the services to families as needed.
Please join the Autism Society of Kentuckiana today. Download the membership form and return it with your membership dues to:
Autism Society of Kentuckiana
P.O. Box 21895
Louisville, KY 40221-0895
ASK members are encouraged to join the national chapter (Autism Society of America-ASA). ASA membership includes a one-year subscription to the Advocate, a quarterly magazine, and voting rights in ASA elections.